My number one reason for cloth diapering is that it saves me money! Diapering a baby can cost thousands of dollars over the course of a baby’s first few years of life. While cloth diapering does save you money in the long-run, it is definitely more heavy in the up-front costs.

When I started cloth diapering, I knew that I couldn’t drop $800 on a cloth diaper stash, even if it did save me money in the long run. The problem was that there is so much information out there about cloth diapering that I didn’t know where to start or how to get the best bang for my buck.

Can you relate? I just wish that someone out there could tell me exactly what to get that was affordable and good quality. Now that I am a few months into cloth diapering, I have come up with just that. Here is how you can get everything you need to cloth diaper your baby for around $250.

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There are different types of cloth diapers that you can buy, but for this scenario, I am using pocket diapers. Pocket diapers are diapers that have a waterproof layer of PUL on the outside and a stay dry pocket on the inside. These diapers require an absorbent insert to be stuffed into the pocket. I have tried prefolds, flats, all-in-ones & fitteds with covers in addition to the pocket diapers. For us, pocket diapers work the best. That is why I am recommending them here.

Some of my favorite pocket diapers are Mama Koala brand. They are sold on Amazon in packs of 6 diapers with 6 inserts and are very affordable. They are “One-Size” diapers, which means they will adjust to your baby’s size from 8-35 pounds! For most people, these are the only diapers you will need unless your baby is really tiny as a newborn or grows very large before they are out of diapers. My daughter weighed 9 pounds and 10 ounces at birth, so we haven’t needed anything other than one-size diapers.

The recommended stash size for one baby is 24 diapers. This will allow you to wash every other day. Therefore, you will need 4 packs. Mama Koalas come in some really cute prints, so just head over to Amazon and put your 4 favorite packs into your cart.


Using cloth wipes can be optional for cloth diapering, but a lot of people do use them so I am including them in this scenario. Many items that are marketed as cloth wipes are expensive. The reality is, you can use just about anything that is absorbent and washable to wipe your baby’s bottom. You could cut up old t-shirts or towels if you wanted to save yourself some extra money.

Personally, I recommend using baby washcloths as cloth wipes. They are really affordable and work great. Luvable Friends has them on Amazon.  have also seen them at places like Ross and Burlington for around $5.00 for a pack of 24. Two packs should be plenty.

Wet Bags

Wet bags are how soiled diapers are stored until they are ready to be washed. You will need two different types of wet bags, large and travel size.

These are the large wet bags I use and they work great. I love the straps because you can attach them to anything. You will need two so that you always have a clean one available on wash day.

You will also need smaller wet bags for diapering on the go. I recommend getting travel size wet bags that have two pockets. Personally, I will put clean diapers in one pocket and dirty ones in another. It is also great if you have a poopy diaper while you are out and don’t want it to get on your other diapers. Again, you will want to have at least two of these. You can get a pack of two on Amazon.

Diaper Sprayer

A diaper sprayer is optional, but it definitely makes dealing with poop a lot easier. The HeepWah Baby Cloth Diaper Sprayer is highly rated on Amazon and is easy to install. I have found with cloth diaper sprayers that it is best to go with one that is highly rated because some of the cheaper ones can have issues with leaking. I personally own the HeepWah Baby Cloth Diaper Sprayer and have not had any issues with leaking.

You also don’t have to buy a diaper sprayer right away if you are breastfeeding. Breastfed poo is water-soluble, and does not have to be washed out of the diaper before being put into the wash. Formula fed babies and babies who are eating solids will need their poo rinsed out before putting the diapers in the wash.

Here is the breakdown:

What About Shipping?

All of these items are eligible for free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime. Not a Prime Member? No problem! You can get a 30-day free trial here.

Save Even More…

If you are expecting a baby, these items can be added to your Amazon Baby Registry. Let your friends and family know that you are cloth diapering and that everything you need can be found on your registry. Don’t have an Amazon Baby Registry yet? You can sign up here for free!

Also, if you decide not to use cloth wipes or a diaper sprayer, your cost goes down to below $200!


Upfront costs of cloth diapering can be daunting, especially if you don’t know what you really need. These items along with some good laundry detergent will take you far in your cloth diapering journey without breaking the bank!